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Golf Betting Terminology – Types of Wagers

Golf betting is a very profitable but challenging activity. The main problems for beginners begin due to the variety of golf wagers in this sport. And this is not surprising because players can be judged according to a variety of characteristics. Let’s find out what types of bets are the most common, how bookmakers designate them, and how to make money on them!

  1. Player’s Victory
    The standard type of deals for all sports. Your task as a gambler is to guess which players will win the tournament, meeting, etc. Nothing complicated, but the coefficients, as always, please wallets!
  2. Winning Without a Specific Player
    Bookmakers allow us to play it safe and bet on your favorite player to win, but with certain reservations. In this type of golf wager, it is possible to indicate that the selected player can finish second, and another athlete will overtake him. And if your prediction and the player finishes second, you can earn as if he won!
  3. Place in the Tournament Bracket
    Many athletes may participate in golf tournaments, so it can be tough to choose a favorite with high quality. Therefore, you could choose a less risky deal and predict which part of the grid your choice will finish. For example, you should say that athlete X will be in the top five, ten, etc.
  4. Several Winners
    You may donate some of your potential winnings by choosing multiple athletes you trust. Thus, if one of them wins the tournament, you will receive a reduced winning. However, you should understand that the risks in such rates are reduced to a minimum.
  5. Winner of several Holes
    This type of wager refers to the confrontation between two opponents. If you are sure that your athlete performs well at the start, then the bookmaker would allow you to make money on this. To do this, there is a deal on the winner of the first 18 holes. It is enough for the favorite to have even an insignificant advantage in points over his opponent, and you should get your money!
  6. Player Statistics
    As with any sport, golf has a statistics department that handles virtually all sportsmens’ actions on the field. That is, you should bet on the athlete who is the first to score points, make the most accurate shots or vice versa misfires. So if you want to play with the fate and experience an adrenaline rush, this is the look for you.
  7. Leader of the Round
    Bookmakers count the current winners after each set number of holes, which they call around. This is usually every 18 holes. You should also put your analytical skills to the test and try to predict the winner of the first 18, 36, or 54 holes, respectively. The choice is a little easier, but the odds remain very high as well.
  8. Leader of the Group
    In golf tournaments, sportsmen are divided into groups, as in most other sports. You may also earn money if you see a clear favorite in one of the groups. It is vital for the bookmaker that the sportsman you indicated gets the most points in his group while not leaving the tournament and sharing first place with another athlete. Trust me, the potential winnings from this type of bet are amazing!

Let’s Do Some Golf Betting!

Golf betting is your potential ticket to a future full of luxury. Try to join millions of other gamblers and get your first win!